一級考試樣題及答案要點 -搬屋 |
一級樣題及答案要點 選擇題樣題: Sample 1: Which sub division of logistics applies to the return of used packaging for recycling? A. reverse logistics B. inbound logistics C. internal logistics D. outbound logistics 物流的哪個部分適用于回收包裝材料以便循環利用? A. 逆向物流 B. 進貨物流 C. 內部物流 D. 出貨物流 Sample 2: B2B means one of the following: A. Buyer to business B. Business to business C. Buyer to buyer D. Business to buyer B2B是指: A. 買主對企業(Buyer to business) B. 企業對企業(Business to business) C. 買主對買主(Buyer to buyer) D. 企業對買主(Business to buyer Sample 3: The main component of “user benefits” is: A. Cheaper travel B. Fewer journeys C. A more frequent service D. Shorter journey times “使用者的利益”的主要部分是: A. 比較便宜的旅費 B. 比較少的旅行 C. 更為頻繁的服務 D. 短途旅行的次數 案例分析題: Sample 1: Case Study 案例背景 A manufacturing company in Beijing has recently improved profitability by introducing a Just in Time (JIT) system of distribution for its products which allows them to reduce inventory. They also introduced an advanced planning and scheduling system (APS), which enables them to plan production more accurately and reduce production delays. 北京某家生產制造企業最近在產品分銷中通過引入準時制(JIT)系統,減少了庫存,提高了利潤率。該企業還引入了一套先進計劃與排程系統(APS),使得他們能夠實現更精確的排產,并減少生產延遲。 This new system has reduced planning time dramatically and led to a reduction in the amount of stock needed to cover unforeseen demand. (This stock is termed 'safety stock‘)。 It has also enabled the company to cut out many other non-essential costs from their production process. 這套新系統使得該企業極大地縮短了計劃時間,減少了滿足不可預測需求的庫存(這種庫存稱為“安全庫存”),同時去除了生產過程中許多不必要的費用。 Reports are generated on a daily basis to inform the managers where production delays are still occurring in order that they can act to reduce delays even further. Other reports inform managers of expected changes to the work schedule in order that the workforce and the plant are able to meet any demands upon them resulting from fluctuating customer requirements. 向管理人員提交有關仍然存在生產延遲的每日報告,以便他們能夠采取行動進一步減少生產延遲。管理人員還將得到有關生產進度預期變化的報告,以便生產人員和企業能夠滿足波動的顧客需求。 These improvements have enabled the company to offer customers improved service levels at lower cost and has led to the staff feeling that they are more involved and better informed about the running of the company. 這些改進使該企業能以較低的成本向顧客提供更好的服務,同時讓員工感到參與更多、更加清楚公司的運作。 The company is now experiencing a major upturn in it's customer base, general productivity and profitability and a reduction in staff absenteeism. 目前,該企業的客戶群、整體生產率和利潤率都有著明顯的好轉,而員工的曠工情況明顯減少。 Questions 問題 1. The manufacturing company has introduced a Just in Time system of distribution. Briefly explain what is meant by Just in Time distribution. 1.該企業在產品分銷中引入了準時制系統。請簡要解釋準時制分銷(Just in Time distribution)。 答案要點: 減少浪費正確的時間、正確的地點產出正確的產品; 提高對客戶的服務水平; 提高利潤率和投資回報率,并通過減少庫存水平; 建立物料流程。 2. Just in Time methods had helped the company to reduce inventory. Why do you think this has happened? 2. 準時制方法幫助該企業減少了庫存,你認為為什么會這樣? 答案要點: 減少浪費,通過提高庫存周轉率、產品質量、縮短生產及交付周期,實現利潤率的提高。這些因素與通過建立物料流程而提高的產品質量共同減少了缺陷和其它比如損壞或回收等的浪費。準時制通常應用于重復性生產過程,比如一個生產線,來建立物料流程,必然能實現庫存量的減少。 3. Production planning was seen as an essential element in improving efficiency. Why might that be the case? 3.生產計劃的編制被認為是提高效率的關鍵因素,為什么? 答案要點: 生產計劃是關于為滿足需求變化,以便能提前應對需求變化的發生。 使得企業能根據需要調整員工數量水平 使企業啟用可能出現的對額外資源的需求。 二級樣題及答案要點 簡答題樣題: Sample 1: List TWO of the five consequences of poor planning. 列出不良計劃導致的五種結果中的兩種。 答案要點: 員工士氣低落 產出水平和質量下降 喪失機會 額外增加費用 充滿危機的管理 Sample 2: What is meant by the term 'bar code‘? 術語“條碼”(bar code)是什么意思? 答案要點: 條形碼是一組平行的條杠,中間有空格隔開并分組,形成一種相當于語言的“象征符號”。沒有標準的符號學,而是有多種設計以滿足具體應用或行業的要求。當用激光掃描器讀取時,這種條碼和空格以編碼形式提供信息(常常是零件號) Sample 3: Briefly explain why you would use an ABC analysis when considering the layout of a warehouse? 請簡要說明在考慮一個倉庫的布局時你為什么使用ABC分析? 答案要點:為了盡量減少物品的移動,例如A類物品應放置在倉庫的前面區域,靠近出/入庫的地方。 論述題樣題: Sample 1: You are a Supervisor in a warehouse and have been informed by your Manager that whilst the volume of product throughput has increased slightly the overall costs for the warehouse have increased out of proportion. It appears that the main problem lies within the order-picking element of the operation. How would you go about bringing these costs under control? 你是一個倉庫的管理員,你的經理告訴你,產品量有所增加的同時,倉庫的總體成本也在不成比例地增加,主要問題在于倉庫運作中訂單揀貨(或稱揀選)環節。你如何控制這個環節的成本? 答案要點: 揀貨員是否經過適當培訓,并理解了需要遵循的正確步驟 揀貨員能否轉化標準要求 機械設備是否合適、是否處于良好狀態、是否可獲得 倉庫內是否有堵塞 倉庫的保潔標準是什么 揀貨是否在正常工作時間內完成,加班是否必要 行進時間最小化了嗎 物品是否放置在恰當的儲位/儲區 揀貨是否按照最佳計劃程序 客戶服務水平是否得到考慮 是否對客戶訂單進行分析準備最以進行最佳準備方法 揀貨員是否明白關鍵績效指標,并明確自己所在的水平 Sample 2: Outline the process you would follow in order to recruit a new member of staff to an existing job as an administration clerk. Your answer should include a description of any specific documents or forms you would use. 對于一個現有的工作職位,你要招聘一位新員工作為行政管理職員,簡要列出你將遵循的過程大綱。你的回答應包括描述你將在該過程中使用的一些具體文件或表格的名稱。 答案要點: *要進行工作的工作分析 *準備工作描述和個人詳述 *在內部和外部登載廣告/使用個人詳述 *申請表,首先分類、列出短名單 *安排面試 *使用面試評估表 *可能使用選擇測試 *如有必要可以根據參考信息進行調查核實,發出任命函 *提及非歧視慣例 *提及面試技巧 *提及面試的危險 *面試記錄 Sample 3: a. Explain the purpose of inventory. a. 解釋庫存的目的。 答案要點: 為了在物品在需要的時候可以利用 b. Briefly explain each of the FOUR broad types of inventory. b. 簡要解釋四大類庫存中的每一種。 答案要點: “原材料庫存”——包括原材料、零件和部件。這部分庫存可能是符合生產者自己標準的特殊商品。 “在制品庫存”——包括在產品生產的不同階段的半成品。 “維修庫存”(MRO)包括用于維修與養護的經常消耗的物品或部件,如石油潤滑脂和機器零件。不包括產成品的維護活動所用的物品或部件。 “產成品庫存”——是準備運送給最終消費者的完整的產品。這種庫存通常由不同于原材料庫存的職能部門來控制,如市場或物流部門 c. In financial terms what are the holding and acquisition costs of inventory? c. 從財務方面講,什么是持有成本(或稱保管費用,holding cost)和訂貨費用(或稱購置成本,acquisition cost)? 答案要點: 保管費用——保管費用是收貨、存儲和搬運所發生的費用。最重要的保管費用是機會成本。 訂貨費用——是從需求的確認到最終的到貨(整個供應鏈中),通過采購或其它途徑獲得物品或原材料的時候發生的費用。 訂貨費用的主要特征是與庫存規模不直接相關,而是與一段時間內的訂貨次數相關。包括以下因素——內部各部門人員的費用和管理費用 d. What are MRO inventories and why are they carried out? d. 什么是MRO庫存(維修庫存)?為什么要有MRO庫存? 答案要點: 維修庫存“(MRO)是維護、維修和操作性庫存。 不包括產成品的維護活動所用的物品或部件。 ILT三級運營經理證書考試樣題 簡答部分: 部門預算應當在一個組織中的什么層次進行:(2分) At what level in the organisation should departmental budgets be: (2 marks) a)。什么層次提出?Initiated? b)。什么層次批準?Approved? At the lowest level of cost center within the department.(1 mark) 下層各部門的開銷 At the highest level in the organization.(1 mark) 高層管理、總經理,董事層等高層管理者。 簡答題:回答簡答題因為題目比較簡單,整個考試時間又比較緊,所以在回答簡答題的是時候,盡量回答到關鍵點,語句越簡單越好,用最少的文字表達最關鍵的要點。 論述部分: 你負責將貨物從倉庫裝載到車輛上。要發送的貨物都裝在托盤上,在發貨區后端堆碼三層托盤高。貨物用平衡式叉車裝載,叉車必須通過一個斜坡,將托盤從存放處運到車輛旁進行裝載。通常有幾輛車輛同時在進行裝貨作業。 請你闡述與這一作業相關的健康與安全風險評估應該包括的各個步驟。 針對上述評估中你所識別出的其中三種風險,闡述應當立即采取什么措施來減少這些風險。 You are responsible for dispatch of goods from a warehouse onto vehicles. The goods to be dispatched are palletised loads that are stacked three pallets high at the rear of the dispatch area. The vehicles are loaded in the yard using counterbalance fork-lift trucks and the fork-lifts have to travel down a slope from where the pallets are stored to the vehicles, where the load is lifted in. It is usual the several vehicles will be loaded at the same time. Explain the steps you would include in a health and safety risk assessment for this operation. For any three of the hazards you could identify in such a risk assessment, explain what immediate action could be taken to reduce the risk. Description of risk assessment process to include: Identification of risk (4 marks) Assessment of risk (4 marks) Appropriate mitigation measures (5 marks) Assessment of residual risk (3 marks) Further mitigation as required (2 marks) Any three hazards with appropriate immediate mitigation measures (2 marks each) 辨別什么是風險(4分) 評估風險(4分) 緩解風險最適當的方法(5分) 評估剩余風險(3分) 促進緩解風險必須的條件(2分) 關于適當的緩解任何三種風險最直接的措施方法(2分) 注:回答論述題部分的時候,以上給出的是答案的要點,回答是應該按照這種線索和方式去回答,但是僅僅回答上面的要點是遠遠不夠的,關鍵在這些要點上要結合題目給出的案例背景并結合自己的實際工作經驗,理解的加以展開將問題解答清楚。 |
- Dec 05 Mon 2011 14:58